A Snowboarders Blog | For Constant Progression + Self Improvement

A Blog where I share some unorthodox ‘free Game’ that helped me become one of the fastest Progressing Snowboarders on the planet. What I did, what I’m doing, how I’m doing it and what can help you too.









“I’m a snowboarder for fun.”

Just kidding. I don’t actually snowboard primarily for fun—though it can be one of the most joyous activitys in the world at times. I snowboard because I love the simple process of improving. Leveling up. Getting better. Literally just getting better. Trying to be the best you can possibly be. Pushing past any preconceived limitations your mind put on you. Freeing yourself from the shackles of self-doubt, overthinking, uncertainty, and fear.

Using snowboarding as an outlet to master your emotions, control, and aim your thoughts toward definite ends. Learning to control the flaming rage that’s inside you—channeling it into your craft, using it to reach heights that only you believed you could reach.

Constantly mumbling to yourself during training: “These guys can’t keep up.” or “How are you going to compete with me?”“You can’t compete. It’s me vs. me.” Being possessed by a dream. Backed by the highest.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear?”

I fell in love with the process of hunting down my goals and dreams. Being in a constant pursuit of knowledge has opened many doors for me to improve as a snowboarder by first improving my life outside of it.

Going from never finishing a book in my school career to reading two books a month—every single month (out of free will). Not reading the book your university class is forcing you to waste your energy on, but actually pursuing knowledge on topics you genuinely want to learn about. How crazy does that seem? Reading because you love learning, what you want to learn about (and not being forced to).

“What habit do I need to adopt, or clean up, that will make me a better snowboarder?” “What vices do I need to get rid of to accomplish my goals?” “How?”

Self-improvement books. Biographies of professional athletes. Podcasts. Learning, practicing, and then experiencing—it all amounts to the accumulation of real knowledge that can and should be directed, channeled and focused into your Goal, Target, Dream.

The pursuit of becoming the best version of yourself is never-ending. Despite knowing that, it is still one of my main goals in life.

  • Become the best version of yourself
  • Never stop learning
  • Direct your attention to the Goals you actually want to fulfil.

My Progression as a Snowboarder

As a result of my unorthodox snowboard training—of getting better outside of snowboarding first—I have become one of the fastest, progressing snowboarders on the planet.

The year before last, I could did not spin more than a frontside (FS) 720 comfortably. By the end of that year, I could do an FS Triple Cork 1440. Last year, I could not do more than a switch backside (Sw Bs) 540 comfortably. By the end of the season, I was doing Sw Bs Double Cork 1260s.

In the preseason of this year, I landed a Sw Bs Triple Cork 1620. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. I went from not doing BS rodeo 540s to Learning BS Double Rodeo 1260’s this year—and we’re only halfway through the season.

I’m not putting up these numbers to brag, but just as a form of social proof to demonstrate that I stand on business. That I have knowledge from my journey to pass along to other people who want to get better at snowboarding—and in their life.


It’s a platform that I created with the purpose of spreading my knowledge to other young men who wish to chase after their dreams and become better snowboarders—but they might just not know how or where to start.


Why? And What to expect

I want to surround myself with like-minded people. People who Love Learning the process and will stop at nothing to accomplish their dreams as a Snowboarder and as a Human. Becoming the best version of themselves on and off the board.

Ironically, I feel as if my education started when I got out of school and started pursuing my dreams for real. I’ve dedicated my life to learning and experiencing. All the lessons I’ve learned, learning and will learn. The deep observations and Introspection logs in my journal, were being wasted by not allowing others access to it. I believe it’s my duty as a young man, chasing after his goals and dreams in relentless pursuit, to inspire other young men to do the same. I know there’s at least a couple people out there whose life could be greatly impacted by this blog and the messages within. This blog is for them. For my ‘Others’.

Along this journey, I’ve learned so much about the process—what it takes, and how to excel at a stupid-fast progression rate, inside and outside the sport. I’m really just sharing what I’ve learned and continue to learn, in hopes that it can help somebody else achieve their dreams too. Or, at the least, give them and myself a little more guidance, than we had yesterday.

Expect a couple of posts a week. If you’re interested in this sort of stuff, join the squad. If it’s not your cup of tea, then enjoy staying the same (loser!). This blog is for the people who WANT to improve. For the people who NEED to improve.

Trying to level up on and off the board the best YOU can—not worrying about his or her progression, but YOURS. Not wasting your time comparing yourself to others. They’re them, and you’re you.

“Don’t compare someone else’s middle to your beginning.”

Everyone wants to be someone else, but no one wants to be themselves. Learn. Practice. Experience. Rinse and repeat.

I’ve taken a lot of hits and am going to take a whole lot more. Notes, introspections, and deep reflections. Tips, tricks, thoughts, lessons, guidance, how-tos and any other of my intrinsic thoughts. It’s quite selfish to sit on vast amount of specified Knowledge that could be used to help others. keeping it all to yourself. So I’m just taking what I would’ve written in my journal at home, and sharing it with world instead.

Welcome to the cult.



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  1. Daniel souroujon Avatar
    Daniel souroujon

    What’s up. I did senders and was always inspired seeing the stuff you did. I have been snowboarding and can do some tricks like back 540 and 270s off but I’m always looking to improve despite the fact that it’s just hobby for me.

    1. Coltan Eckert

      You’re in the right spot brother. It’s a working progress, but expect to see full breakdowns and actual snowboarding tutorials very soon.

  2. Charley Avatar

    Man of the people

  3. Handfield Avatar

    You’re a legend, on my 2nd year doing park, looking forward to improve more and more, can’t wait to see more of this blog.
    Game On!

    1. Coltan Eckert

      Game on, indeed!